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March 7, 2022

There's a simple tactic that'll get you your first 10,000 YouTube subscribers. Today I'm going to break down how long did it take to get the first 10,000 subscribers and how you can too with one winning tactic that got there.


Tactic number one, paid YouTube ads. At first, We thought that paid ads were great. We was getting an average of 323,000 views per month. But the problem, that level engagement that We was is getting from those paid ads, it just wasn't ideal. People were going, they weren't engaging, dropping off. retention rates were too low.

The worst part, when We stopped the YouTube ads the views tanked and We got almost zero traction from all the money We spent on ads in the aftermath. The bottom line is, that experiment helped get a bulk of the views in that short period of time but it didn't create long term gains. We just spent a ton of money, and literally flushed it down the toilet. And when We say We spent a lot of money, I'm not talking about $1.000 I'm talking about tens and tens, and tens of thousands of dollars.

That's how We got to tactic number two, which was releasing one video per day. We know what you're thinking, "Neil, you're crazy. One video per day, that's hard to keep up with." And you're right. It wasn't easy to keep up with that production pace but the results of this second experiment were great. For the first time, We was getting a lot of new subscribers every day.

Though, the view count wasn't as impressive. We wanted to build up the channel subscriber base so that way We can maintain higher view counts in the future. Not only that. Pushing out new content every day, allowing to understand what the audience really wanted to learn, and what they didn't want, which and then gave the opportunity to double-down on the winning ideas, and get more traction.

So what We learned during that time is, and you could model after this is, produce videos each and every single day when you're starting. When you produce those videos, make sure you put in the right keywords in the title, in the description, and use Ubersuggests to show you what keywords are popular. It even shows you them for YouTube as well. It has all that data in there.

Now, within the first 30 seconds of your video, you need to tell people to subscribe. within the first 10 seconds of the video, you need to hook people so that they want keep watching the rest of your videos. And when you do this, you'll get more subscribers. You'll eventually rank and you'll do well.

The other strategy The content Creator has for you is when you release those videos, send out an email blast. A push notification. Promote the YouTube video on other social channels, and tell them to go to YouTube even though the other social channels hate it. It's a good start. And what We mean by that is, I'm not talking about a wall post. I'm talking about messaging other people on these social channels that you already have fans and fans, and that'll help you get more traction. If you do this, you'll figure out what works on YouTube.

And then after 30 day time window, what you can do is start creating less videos. We do three times a week, and you create the videos that create the most engagement the most subscribers 'cuz you have data from your first 30 days. If you don't have enough data from your first 30 days, create 60 days worth of content.

Go hard for two months, and then slow it down and then focus on quality. That's how you get your first 10,000 subscribers super fast.

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